
  • Their company was founded by a South African immigrant who started another little business you might have heard of called paypal.​
  • While I am not a huge fan of his endevors in space tourism his all electric car company called Tesla has just won the Motor Trend Car of the Year Award.​
  • A proven track record, this guy can pick winners and knows how to handle himself.​
  • Their stock goes for about $30 usd a share.  Toyota is around $100 so it's a great buy and hold.​
  • The only problem is that you cannot buy or hold anyting as I contacted them as they are not a publically traded firm...yet.​
  • You can  however buy one right here:  https://www.teslamotors.com/own

Navitus Sustainable Industries:​

  • There was a really funny skit on SNL where All Gore got on and made a joke about how "now that cars are running on garbage things are a lot cleaner".​
  • Well now they can or at least we can use garbage to make biofuel.​
  • Several companies are doing it and this is one of the leaders (I heard about them on Bloomburg).​
  • Again, contacted their CEO, and while you cannot buy stock please, please, PLEASE do not hesitate to hit them up should you have a lot of garbage and a lack of fuel...with...the population hitting 10 million by 2050, we all will.​
  • http://www.navitusrenewables.com/productsgrid.html